Raw Feeding for Puppies: Expert Advice from Breeder Jill Porter

Bringing home a puppy is an exciting and joyful experience! The boundless energy, curiosity, and love they bring into your life are unmatched. But for first-time puppy owners, it can also come with a lot of questions.

  • Is this behavior normal?
  • What should I feed my puppy?
  • How can I help my puppy live a long, healthy life?
  • When can I transition my puppy to a raw diet?
  • Should I wait until they’re older, or can I start now?
  • Is raw feeding safe for puppies?

It can feel overwhelming! That’s why we wanted to provide some guidance on raw feeding for puppies and help you start your new companion off on the right paw. To do this, we reached out to one of our longtime customers and an experienced breeder, Jill Porter, to share her knowledge and experiences with raw feeding puppies.

Meet Jill Porter

Jill Porter is the breeder behind Faithwalk Aussies and Miniature American Shepherds. Her journey into raw feeding started in the late 80s through early 2000s when she worked with wolves and saw firsthand the impact of a species-appropriate diet.

The wolves had clean teeth well into old age, small and firm stools, and some lived into their upper teens—a remarkable lifespan for canines of that size. Inspired by these observations, Jill transitioned her own dogs to raw feeding and has never looked back. She has been breeding dogs for 18 years, originally working with Australian Shepherds before switching to Miniature American Shepherds about seven years ago.

Have you noticed any differences in your dogs since switching to raw, including generational improvements or increased longevity?

"I can't say for sure about increased longevity, but I do think they have better health for the years they have. I have food intolerances myself and know how eating processed food makes me feel (not good). I will say my dogs are vibrant and active into old age, we see few allergies and common health issues. They hold their weight well, though part of that is the active lifestyle they lead and not being overfed. However, with raw food being high in moisture, they can feel fuller than if they are fed dry food, which is low in moisture and high in carbs."

When do you start puppies on raw?

"I wean puppies onto raw when they are ready to start solids, around 3-5 weeks, depending on the litter. I use fine ground products form My Pet Carnivore, usually chicken or pork. At first, I gently warm the raw food, by adding warm water to make more of a gruel. I introduce powdered probiotics at this stage to help their tummies adjust to solid food.

After eight weeks, I start introducing more variety, including chicken, turkey, duck, pork, beef, rabbit, beaver, muskrat, fish, goat, mutton, and tripe. I start with fine ground products, which is especially important for young puppies and small breeds. Older puppies and adults transition to coarse ground products.

I follow the "variety over time" philosophy but take it slow with young pups. I like using whole ground mixes from My Pet Carnivore that include meat, bone, and organ, making it easy to achieve prey-model proportions."

Do you add any supplements?

"For supplements, I use a canine probiotic, often Fortiflora or Gentle Digest. At eight weeks, I may start them on Cosequin at a lower dose and keep them on it while they grow, then off & on into adulthood. Probiotics are given at least a few times a week throughout their lives. Otherwise, I take a minimalist approach to supplements."

Have you noticed differences between your raw-fed puppies and kibble-fed litters?

"Since I’ve been feeding raw since before I had my first litter, I don’t have direct comparisons within my own litters. However, I find raw-fed pups are solid, healthy, and vibrant with minimal stool. My vet is always impressed with their health—he even has two Aussies and two MAS from me! While he isn't a raw feeding proponent, he can't argue with the results in my dogs and has been my vet for nearly 25 years.

I think raw-fed puppies may grow slightly faster compared to their littermates in kibble-fed homes. But regardless of growth rate, I know they are getting a strong nutritional foundation with a species-appropriate diet and plenty of variety. I also believe that feeding a variety of proteins helps prevent food intolerances. That’s one reason I love My Pet Carnivore—it’s a one-stop shop for a wide selection of proteins that suit dogs of all ages and sizes."

Do you think raw feeding impacts a puppy’s behavior?

"It’s hard to say if diet affects temperament, though I believe it can influence behavior. Just like with human kids, processed foods—especially those with dyes and sugars—can have negative effects. I also believe in feeding nutrients in their least processed form since that’s what the body is designed to utilize. It’s not rocket science—it’s just nature."

What are some of the long-term benefits you’ve seen from multi-generational raw feeding?

"While raw feeding isn’t a total shield against disease, parasites, or other health issues, I do believe it strengthens the immune system. My dogs don't get fleas, even though we live in a rural area with wildlife and feral cats. Some say healthy dogs are less attractive to fleas, which may be the case. We do get occasionally ticks, though.

I also believe a raw diet is easier to digest than processed food. I don’t have dogs with GI issues or allergies. Their guts are strong because they are accustomed to variety from an early age."

Jill’s Advice for New Puppy Owners

What would you say to someone hesitant about raw feeding?

"I share my experiences and explain why feeding less processed food is beneficial. Some people worry about having to source and prepare everything themselves, but with a trusted supplier like My Pet Carnivore, it’s easy. I also have sample meal photos on my website to show what raw feeding looks like in practice: Faithwalk Aussies & MAS - Raw Feeding."

How do you address concerns about bacteria in raw food?

"Bacteria exist in kibble, treats, and the environment—dogs eat all sorts of things outside! Sourcing raw food from reputable suppliers and handling it properly is key. I’ve been preparing raw meals for over 20 years—over 75,000 meals on my kitchen counters—and none of my family or dogs have ever gotten sick from it. Dogs are built to handle bacteria."

What common mistakes do new puppy owners make when starting raw?

"Some people introduce too many vegetables, which can cause diarrhea. Others mistakenly feed only muscle meat or give bones that aren’t safe for young puppies. Whole weight-bearing bones should be avoided, while rounded bones, like necks, are a better option. A balanced raw diet should include the whole animal, not just human-edible parts.

To avoid mistakes, I recommend finding an experienced mentor—whether a breeder, a raw-friendly vet, or a well-moderated online group."

Do you have any memorable raw feeding success stories?

"One neat story I will share about raw feeding involves our old Aussie Joey. He came from a hoarding situation at around 4 weeks of age, with parvo but we nursed him through it.  He was on raw and kibble all his life, and did well until around 14.5 years of age.  He quit eating, lost a lot of weight.  We did quite a lot of testing with our veterinarian, and couldn't find the cause.  We tried all sorts of things to get him eating, and while something may work for one meal, it didn't the next.  What FINALLY got him eating again was my husband butchering and grinding our own heritage turkeys (we sell some to the Schoenborn's too!)  Something about whole, fresh half grown turkeys appealed to him and got  him eating again.  What was interesting to me was that he had had a number of fatty tumors, often called "old dog tumors", and because he was totally off kibble for many months, those shrunk down 70-80% or more in size. They didn't grow again until we had to add a little kibble back since the turkey was too lean to totally sustain him.  It shows how processed food can feed that kind of tumor.  He ended up living 2 more years, which considering the rough start he had and the average for his breed, was impressive.  If I wasn't already a strong believer in the benefits of raw feeding, that would have convinced me.""

Final Thoughts

"I’m a lifelong advocate for raw feeding. Over the years, I’ve inspired countless people to transition their dogs to raw, and My Pet Carnivore has been an invaluable resource. While I’ve been feeding raw for decades, I continue to learn and refine my approach. At the end of the day, I just love seeing dogs thrive."


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